Stage 2 of getting into IT: starting dept
OK, so you know computing, you know little wifi, and can hook computers together. What now?
Decide the area you want to focus on in a company
Area 1: Generalist
This is probably the longest and hardest, but if you find you like to do EVERYTHING, you can still rise through the ranks by starting in one of the areas below and branch out from there. I personally took this path and after 30 years, I’m in a premier position with an International IT Services company.
Area 2: Help Desk/Desktop
These are the techs that are on the floor, on the phone, and do tech support all day. Senior techs get to project work.
Area 3: Server/Storage
More advanced, will need to know servers and Microsoft well. Tech support for bigger issues, more project work.
Area 4: Networking
By far the more cerebral of the areas – tech support for connectivity, local and remote. And everyone thinks it’s always the network.
Area 5: Security
How’s trying to break in or steal data. Some tech support, need to know ALL the areas above.
Area 6: Business IT
You like crunch numbers for the business? Usually deals directly with business data (out of the business system) and produces reports
Area 7: Mgmt
Usually to jump here, you’re degreed or have experience. It’s some financial and some managing geeks that don’t always have a good work ethic. Can be on the technical side or the business side. This is the starting track if you want to go c-level
All that said, the smaller the company, the more these all meld together. My first real IT job was network admin, and jumped from there.